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The best places to book a holiday if you don't want your hair to go frizzy

With summer around the corner, thousands of Britons are looking to jet away for some much-deserved vitamin D.

However, as much as some summer sunshine is appreciated, travelling can often wreak havoc with hair.

Temperature, humidity, and water hardness changes can create an undesirable hair texture, switching once glossy locks for a frizzy mane.

With this in mind, Shark Beauty has researched the top ten holiday destinations with the most desirable metrics for hair health.

Using the results, holidaymakers can plan their next summer destination while assured that their locks will remain intact, with top destinations including Sydney, Vancouver, and Madrid.

Are you planning a holiday but worried about the humidity causing frizzy hair? Here, FEMAIL explore the top holiday destinations that will banish beach frizz

Are you planning a holiday but worried about the humidity causing frizzy hair? Here, FEMAIL explore the top holiday destinations that will banish beach frizz 

When in comes to haircare while travelling, there are several factors to take into consideration. 

On the topic, Frances Geale from Shark Beauty explained: 'When travelling, various factors affect hair health, with water hardness being a primary concern. 

'While some may not be aware of whether the water in a specific area is hard or soft, it can have a significant impact on others. 

'Hard water, containing minerals, creates a film on hair strands, resulting in intense dehydration. 

'However, soft water is gentler and causes minimal damage compared to hard water, meaning holiday destinations with soft water are preferable.

'Additionally, humidity poses a challenge to hair as it can lead to increased frizz and dryness. 

'Windy conditions can also exacerbate these issues, prompting the scalp to produce more oil to counter excessive exposure to dry air. 

'Therefore, minimising exposure to wind and extremely humid climates is crucial for maintaining healthy hair during your travels.'

Holidaymakers looking to maintain their hair health should take a number of factors into consideration, including wind speed and humidity (stock image)

Holidaymakers looking to maintain their hair health should take a number of factors into consideration, including wind speed and humidity (stock image) 

Using Frances' tips, Shark Beauty compiled a list of the most popular holiday destinations and collected data regarding their yearly average humidity levels and wind speed, as well as their water hardness. 

The top 10 holiday destinations for your hair: 

  1. Sydney
  2. Vancouver
  3. Madrid
  4. Florence
  5. Tokyo
  6. Tasmania
  7. Vienna
  8. Doha
  9. Kyoto
  10. Dubrovnik

The brand then normalised the data points to bring them to a scale between 0-20 to make a fair comparison against one another and gave each location a final index score.

Coming out on top as the best destination for hair health is Sydney, with an overall index score of 49.

The capital of New South Wales was the top location due to its soft water, low humidity levels, and low wind speed.

Meanwhile, in Europe, Madrid took to the top spot for the best holiday destination for glossy locks with an index score of 47.

Given the city's soft water and relatively low wind speeds, those looking to maintain their hair texture will particularly enjoy Spain's capital.

Elsewhere, Tokyo also nabbed a spot in the top five locations for maintaining hair health with an index score of 45, making it an ideal destination for those looking to explore a different culture.

It comes after haircare experts revealed the products that could be causing unwanted acne. 

While many people with sensitive skin are ultra-careful when it comes to the skincare ingredients they use, they pay less attention to the pore-clogging ingredients in their haircare. 

Sydney came out on top as the best holiday destination for maintaining glossy hair due to its soft water

Sydney came out on top as the best holiday destination for maintaining glossy hair due to its soft water 

The Ultimate Holiday Hair Routine 

Taking into account the best conditions for your hair whilst on holiday, Shark Beauty has revealed the ultimate holiday hair care routine.

Avoid washing your hair every day - Frequent washing of your hair can strip away all the natural oils therefore making it frizzy and dry. Consider washing it every few days instead and use nourishing products which include SPF when you do so. 

Think twice before using hotel hair stylers - While it might be tempting to use the hotel appliances when on holiday, they may operate differently to what you’re used to. With this in mind, try to bring your own where possible.

Wear sun protection - When you’re out and about, be sure to wear sun protection. Whether this be wearing either a hat or a bandana, protect your hair colour and avoid sun damage by covering up. 

Use a hair mask once you’re back from holiday - Consider using a hair mask once you’re back from your travels. Restore your hair by using a moisturising and hydrating masking product. 


CLEARSTEM is a clean beauty brand that specifically focuses on acne and aging - and the brand's most recent launch is a shampoo brand that specifically is for folks with sensitive skin.

Kayleigh Christina, a holistic nutritionist and the co-founder of CLEARSTEM who is based in Los Angeles, California, told, 'As we've been treating acne for over 10 years, we know that most hair care contributes to back and hairline acne.'

'At least 90 per cent of hair products contain pore-cloggers and the ones that don't usually feel terrible in the hair,' Kayleigh warned.

To focus on creating formulas to fill the gap, they made luxurious, acne-safe, dermatologist-tested shampoo and conditioner.

Danielle Gronich, a clinical esthetician and acne specialist who owns the San Diego Acne Clinic and co-founded CLEARSTEM with Kayleigh, told FEMAIL, 'Shea butter is a common pore-clogger often found in many conditioners and hair care products.'

According to Danielle, a safer bet is kokum seed butter, 'which is a natural non-comedogenic seed butter that improves hair moisture and prevents dryness after rinse-off.'

Danielle advised that other ingredients that often break people out are isopropyl myristate and coconut oil.

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